结构型 | 享元模式
Flyweight Pattern (享元模式), 主要用于减少创建对象的数量, 以减少内存占用和提高性能。
通过共享多个对象所共有的相同状态, 让有限的内存容量中载入更多对象。
- 数量巨大的相似对象
- 设备内存有限
- 对象中包含可抽取且能在多个对象间共享的重复状态
- 数据库连接池
- 系统复杂度提高
- 读取外外部状态运行时间变长
// 1. 创建一个接口
interface Shape {
draw(): void;
// 2. 创建实现接口的实体类
class Circle implements Shape {
private color: string;
private x: number = 0;
private y: number = 0;
private radius: number = 0;
constructor(color: string) {
this.color = color;
public setX(x: number): void {
this.x = x;
public setY(y: number): void {
this.y = y;
public setRadius(radius: number): void {
this.radius = radius;
public draw(): void {
"Circle: Draw() [Color : " +
this.color +
", x : " +
this.x +
", y :" +
this.y +
", radius :" +
// 3. 创建一个工厂,生成基于给定信息的实体类的对象
class ShapeFactory {
private static circleMap = new Map<string, Shape>();
public static getCircle(color: string): Shape {
let circle: Circle = <Circle>this.circleMap.get(color);
if (circle == null) {
circle = new Circle(color);
this.circleMap.set(color, circle);
console.log("Creating circle of color : " + color);
return circle;
// 4. 使用该工厂,通过传递颜色信息来获取实体类的对象
class FlyweightPatternDemo {
private static colors: string[] = ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "White", "Black"];
constructor() {
for (let i: number = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
let circle: Circle = <Circle>(
private static getRandomColor(): string {
return this.colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colors.length)];
private static getRandomX(): number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
private static getRandomY(): number {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
// test
new FlyweightPatternDemo();
// Creating circle of color : Green
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 37, y :72, radius :100
// Creating circle of color : Blue
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Blue, x : 9, y :87, radius :100
// Creating circle of color : White
// Circle: Draw() [Color : White, x : 24, y :77, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 56, y :71, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : White, x : 84, y :92, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 37, y :36, radius :100
// Creating circle of color : Black
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Black, x : 85, y :1, radius :100
// Creating circle of color : Red
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Red, x : 74, y :57, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 75, y :91, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Blue, x : 85, y :9, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Blue, x : 94, y :17, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Black, x : 32, y :64, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : White, x : 89, y :26, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 63, y :90, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Red, x : 20, y :15, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Red, x : 54, y :57, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : White, x : 26, y :94, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 99, y :64, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Green, x : 64, y :29, radius :100
// Circle: Draw() [Color : Black, x : 20, y :46, radius :100